Monday, February 25, 2008


Happy Birthday, sweet little Cash!
p.s. He weighed (according to my calculations) 11lbs on Friday! And Miss Mabelle weighed 23 lbs...he's halfway to her size! Mabs new favorite things to say..."Your Majesty", "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all", and "There's no place like home". Adorable!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Visit from my Imaginary Friend ;)

Ok, so many of you know, that I'm a computer geek, and that I have alot of internet/imaginary friends...this past week, one of them came to visit me!! WOOHOO! Her name is Jenifer, and she brought her babies with her (Nic had to stay home and go to, so Tailia and Christian came. We had a great time, no weirdness at all (it was our first meeting, face to face). It felt like an old friend visiting. We had a blast doing nada...really, NADA! And the kids had a good time too....except some normal 2 year old behavior (I think)..Mabelle not wanting to share Tailia's dolls. But Tailia even left one, so that Mabelle could have it until the ones we ordered (had to place an emergency Disney order for them) got sweet! She drove 11 hours (by herself) to get here...she is such a supermom!! Enjoy the pics...we enjoyed making them!

Twinkies...the first of many of these moments! Enjoying an ice cream breakfast.
They played dressup ALOT! Such sweet princesses!!
Can you believe this is Mabs' FIRST TATTOO!!! Belle....
Playing makeup :)
Mabelle sleeping with the Cinderella doll that Tailia left for her.
The boys....twinkies ;)
Silly girls....Tailia enjoying Ms Potato Head's glasses.
The whole brood..including the princess dolls...hahahaha! (Taken at the end of the day, so excuse any dirt you might notice...and the girls without pants).
A hug to end the visit!
And...what happens in a house full of girls to a sweet, beautiful baby boy...hahahaha!

Some catchup...

Hola everyone! Long time, no blog! We've had some visitors and haven't been able to update, but loved our company. Grandpa Joe and Grandma Teresa came for a few days and got to meet Cash and play with Miss Mabelle....they just loved it so much, more people giving them love and attention!! Here's a few pics to play catch-up...

Mabelle in her orange "lee-tard", and her "frosty da snowman" leggings.

"Holding" Cash :)
Funny, huh??
Eyes wide open!
How sweet is big sister, to share her prized (I mean PRIZED) possesions, her piggy, yellow blankie, and polka dot blankie....even put him to sleep. She's the sweetest!
Valentine's Day gift opening.

Snow White dress...she was "so exciting"!!
Had to put it on, and then watch Snow White--think that means she liked it!
Reading her "friends" a night-night story.
Breakfast of champions...vanilla ice cream.
Checking on Cash...and giving him sugar :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mobile at 2 weeks....3 weeks tomorrow!

So Cash has started rolling...yup, that's mobile at a very, very young age. CRAZY! He started doing it this past weekend, and I got it on video tonight...from my phone, so hopefully you can see it pretty well. I only got a 30 second video, I caught him as he was in the process of going...enjoy! And if you get the sound, that scream was Mabelle falling off her chair & knocking her chocolate milk over...crying over spilled milk :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2 kids=a lot more updates!

So Cash is doing great, we don't have to worry about his jaundice at all, and the doc wasn't worried at all with his possible thrush (since he still eats great and is gaining weight). He's still such an easy little guy, sleeps great and eats well. He seems to poop or pee on me almost every time I change his diaper...still. But I guess as long as he's doing both of those things, that's good...even if it always ends up on me.

Mabelle is adjusting really well. We are on Day 7 of no pacifier...ack! She threw it away last Thusday, because "it was broken" (torn in 2 places), and we were worried about it breaking and choking her. She had a hard time for the first few days...we all did. She became dependent on us to help her fall asleep, when she's been putting herself to sleep for a verrry long time. So that was hard, since it would take upwards of 2.5hrs sometimes to get her to finally fall asleep. We are seeing a light at the end now, she's "going night-night" by herself again, and is so proud of herself for being a big girl (and especially loves the rewards...popsicles & cake).

Mabelle is absolutely in love with Cash, she has even shared her coveted blankie and piggie with him!!! She always wants to cuddle on the couch with him, and gets very upset if you change his diaper without her help. She wants to spend all of his waking moments cuddling, loving and holding's so sweet. We have to remind her to be gentle and are just so happy that she loves him (even if it's too much sometimes)!

I am back to me pre-pregnancy 2 weeks from my c-section. Now if I could just lose a few more pounds ;) Enjoy the updated pics...

Me, a baby-wearing Mama!!
Mabelle cuddling with her baby Cash. Can you see the love in her eyes??
Multi-tasking...nursing, holding the "moothie", and manning the remote.
At least we have one cook in this house...making cupcakes for Daddy's birthday!
The 3 greatest things ever...(she's giving him some sugar).
Could Daddy look any prouder?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Cash's first bath, and Mabs first lollipop!!!

We had several firsts this week: a first bath, a first lollipop, and a first few days by ourselves...eek! We had family helping us out for the first week after Cash was born, and everyone left us was a tad scary, but everythings been great so far. Mabelle's still a great helper (not regressing on her potty-training), and still loves Cash sooo much (sometimes too much...hahahaha). Cash has been an easy baby, so laid back (just like his Daddy), and low-maintenance (not like his high-maintenance sister or Mama).

We had taken him home with his weight at 7lbs 11oz (after being born at 8lbs 7oz), took him to the doc last week to test his jaundice levels and he weighed 7lbs 14oz. Today he had his checkup and has gained a FULL pound since last Wednesday! Our little chunky man is up to 8lbs 14oz...woohoo! And he's grown 3/4 of an inch since birth...11 days ago :) He's looking great, tested his jaundice levels again to be on the safe side, and should know the results tomorrow...he also might have thrush in his mouth, but we won't know that until we can see the doc again (hopefully soon).

Other than that, we have been doing great....just enjoying our sweet babies! Enjoy the pics!

Mabelle putting on a show for everyone!

Wearing her shirt as a hat :)
Driving the dogs batty, by kicking them out of their beds, saying that it's HER bed.
MABELLE'S FIRST LOLLIPOP! (she loved it) Cash's first bath...he loved it :)

He only cried for a little bit when we pulled him out. Getting ready for bed with Dad.
Clean & lotioned.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Just some random pics from our first week...

Our first week with little man has been grrreat! Here's some pics showing Cash & Mabelle off...including ones of hooooow much she loooves him. It's the sweetest thing ever!

She did this all on her own, staring at him so sweetly as he slept!
"Holding him on her lap"...and stealing his chi-chi (pacifier). She's a tad ornery! It's a good thing, he's so laid back...hahahaha!
So frickin cute...
Donuts with sfrinkles...Daddy's got sooome good ideas!
Such a good sweet and chunky...hee hee

Sucking on his finger to go to sleep...already self-soothing.