Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cash is 2 months...then a checkup & now 9 Weeks!

Cash is getting up there in age....9 weeks as of yesterday, and had his 2 month checkup this week. His stats are:

13lbs 7oz (Mabelle was 10lbs 6oz at 2 months)
23 inches long
16 inch head

We are doing a delayed vaccine schedule, because I'm a nerd and have researched a ton, and feel that's the best for us (just upset I didn't do it with Mabelle-anyhoo, she's fine and all is well). But our doctor agreed with it, and little man got his first DTaP shot and his first Rotavirus vaccine (he would've received 6 shots had we followed their schedule!!). He is so alert, even the doctor commented on it, and is still so laid back. Such a good, sweet baby!

New pics...and a new stroller!

Just getting over all the sickness around here...yay! And thought it was time for some new pics. Mabelle is as smart as ever, and always a big help around the house, while Cash is getting bigger and bigger everyday. He's so alert! Alrighty...enjoy the pics & our fabulous adventures :)
How cool is that??? A double decker...well, a Phil & Teds Stroller, but sooo cool. The backseat comes off and its just a single jogger then. Thank you Mimi & Papa!!
View from the top..
Riding shotgun...
In the rear...
Feeding her baby (like mama)...then she'd burp her on her shoulder and switch sides. Already such a good little Mama!
Overlook the peanut butter cookie in her mouth, and you'll see her great makeup job she did on her forehead.
A hat...a dorable.
More packages, and gifts..this time from Sissy & Nic's European Trip...although those Reeses are from Uncle Chris. What do we love? REESES!
Cupcakes are fabulous. Sprinkles are heaven.
Really? Could he get ANY cuter? He loves to ham it up for the camera (just like his sister and mama), but hates the flash.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hoppy Easter!

We had a good Easter...dressed the kids up, hunted Easter eggs, hung out with friends, took great naps (the kids), picked up dog poo in the backyard, and cleaned the fish tank...woohoo!! The Easter bunny also paid us a vist, both kids enjoyed their little toys, while Mabelle REALLY enjoyed her M&Ms. We went over to Mabelle's BFF's house, Charlee, and let the girls hunt eggs and we ate a great lunch with them. Mabs had the BEST time hunting eggs, we had to hide them 3x for the girls to find! The only thing I'm bummed about, is not getting a good picture of our sweeties together dressed up :( Guess that means I need to call our photographer to get some taken :) Ok, here's the picture overload!

Mabelle's Easter basket.
Already eating the M&Ms at 8am.
Cash with his toy from the Easter bunny.
Mabelle helping me get Cash dressed for the day.
Here's my little Miami Vice Jason was calling the outfit.
And so the Egg Hunt goes...
And goes...
And goes...
And goes :)
We hid them 3x, remember?
And then eating...I think this might be her first meal at the kiddy table!
This is what Cash did the entire time we were there...he was only taken out of his carseat for 10mnts!
My only pic of the kids together dressed up...tear, tear.
Charlee & Mabelle showing off their eggs after the inside hunt.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I made a wrap...woohoo!

I made a wrap, cause I thought I could...and I had this cool fabric that I didn't know what else to make with it. It's teal with white skulls on!

New Hats!!

These are our new hats that Jen made for the sweet and cute are they?!?!

Brown bill with a pink flower...adorable!
Red bill with a pink flower...too cute.
Black & white bill & beanie...frickin sweet!
Red beanie & red bill...awesome!
Red bill and one finger...bossy, bossy!

Thanks Jenifer, we love them!

Lots of photos of our cuties!

Not a whole lot going on here...germs, sickness (including vomitting & diarrhea), trips, and lots of loooove :) I weighed Cash a few days ago, he is now 13.5lbs!! And Mabelle is the BEST big sister, she loves Cash...especially to cuddle, which is hard to stop when she is sick and keeping her or him isolated is next to impossible.'s some cute pic of the cuties:

My Cardinal red shoes my Daddy got me in Vegas.
Tummy time...yes, he can still roll!
Mabelle dancing for him to his swing's music.
Playing with the cool stuff Daddy brought her back from Vegas.
Reading her card..."this says, love Mimi & Papa".
Sharing her Easter gifts with her brother.
Helping get Cash ready for night-night.
You wouldn't believe the smiles that swing's critters gets...HUGE smiles! He loves his swing.
Pure Love.
"Look, I'm a munchkin!"

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just Cash

It's Cash's turn, as Mabelle would say. Cash is such a big boy lately (6.5 weeks now) not only chunky (hahaha), but starting to find his voice and pushes up so well. He even holds his head up really well. I need to weigh him and see how big he's getting, he's definitely at least 12 prediction. His best new thing is....smiling. So here's some smiling pics for you (in sequence of when they were taken)!
This is his Jack Nicholson impression...
Melting hearts..
Getting excited...
There it is!! The BIG SMILES!!

And some pushing up pics in his sleepy the sleepy wrap (and some of me with know, we're a package deal)!