Thursday, September 17, 2009


We had our first t-ball practice yesterday afternoon!! After a very trying 45mnts of getting ready (nothing was acceptable for little miss diva), we got to the park and she had a BLAST! I give the coaches kudos, the practice was really awesome. So much better than I expected!! She loved it and can't wait for next practice...

Playing catch with Kennedy
Checking out her glove.

This was what I was in charge of...babies!!! I can handle this duty :)

Doing running drills :)
Treyce, Mabelle's boyfriend ;)

Practicing hitting...and at home, she knows to run the bases. At practice, when 10 kids run directly at you after you've hit the run the opposite direction!! LOL!

Bases loaded...with lots of moms!

Mabelle fielding the that the correct lingo?? Maybe Jason should be doing this blog entry (he did miss the first practice, but hoping he can come to the next one).

Practicing running bases.

Kennedy's sis, Kadyn looking super interested in the practice.
And Cash goofing off :)
This sitting moments was a rare one..he wanted to run in that lush, pretty grass!

Can you tell he's ornery?? Oh my...

Mabs, Treyce and Kenn goofing off.

Cash joining the little clowns.

Rolling down the hill after practice (I was at the top of the hill taking pics...weird angle)

All of her friends rolling

And of course, no tree goes unhugged.


justheather said...

Fun! I love the action shots! And little Cashy's face is priceless! That little one pointing at her brain is pretty darn funny too!

Jenifer said...

LMAO at Kennedys sister! Hilarious! Im pretty sure Mabelle is the cutest T ball player EVER! Love all the Tball pictures and LOVE Mr Cashy getting into it all too. Pretty soon you will have 2 in T ball!

eliseschnarr said...

Love that little tree hugger!!! Cash is such a sweetheart & lol kennedy's sister! Tball looks like sooooo much fun! And I totally know what u mean by "fielding" lol:)