Day one (last Monday) had 6 accidents, day two had 2.5 accidents (half, because he started peeing in his undies but finished on the potty with a poo bonus), and day three had one teeny mushy turd accident...and then he had a pullup on at a friends house and started to poop in it but finished on the potty on day 4. No accidents since!!! YAY CASHY!! Let's hope this continues. He's pooping like a champ too on the potty (Mabs had soo many problems with the pooping part). He's not telling us he has to go potty (not consistently), but he holds it til we make him go potty.
I even took him on a small errand today in his undies, all week we've used the diaper as our crutch on excursions out. Please let this be the real deal!
I think this was the day I decided we were gonna potty train the next Monday...he found Mabelle's Buzz Lightyear undies and wanted to wear both of them!!