Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another mouth injury here at casa de Tritten

Playing with Daddy and Cashy...Mabs took a mouth-dive into the kitchen tile. A little blood and a swollen upper lip...along with a couple of loose teeth. Poor baby, she's just like her Mama, always has her mouth open--and this is her second tooth injury because of it. :( Pitiful.

At the dentist, two days later. Dentist says it's like a bruise and her gums will tighten up around those loose teeth. YAY!! Poor sweet girl...she has no pain and seems to be back to normal. And found her favorite candy painted on the wall at the Dentist and had to have her pic taken with it ;)


Jenifer said...

Poor sweet Mabelle!!! :(

eliseschnarr said...

Glad she is feeling better!! LOL at the candy pic:) Nothing says dentist like a life-size Hershey's bar!

justheather said...

Poor baby girl!! It looks horrible, she looks just pitiful! And yes the Hershey's bar... definitely screams DENTIST! LMAO!!