Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This was sooo much fun! Noelle introduced us to Just Dance, and I think the Easter Bunny might be hopping or dancing to the house with this new game in tow. We danced as a group of 4, Mabelle danced alone, Jason moved his arm alot, we dance sitting down only moving our arms (I did best that way...think my feet screw me up), and even the babies got in on the dancing action! The only downfall of the game was the new obsession with Cotton-Eyed Joe...Mabelle listened to that song for 4 hours straight on the way home. But boy did we have fun, and for a brief moment I did own the high score for Step-by-step...then Noelle quickly took that title back.


eliseschnarr said...

This game is awesome!!! I love that Mabelle loves it so much! Matylda has been pointing the Wii remote at the TV...is she trying to tell me something...lol!

You and Noe look good - LOL at Jason and David:)

justheather said...

it's ON next time you're here, big belly will be gone and i'll be ready! loved all the dance action, and this game was when george had his "ah ha" moment when a little tiny blondie said in the sweetest voice ever "i'll give you a hug if you dance" yeah he's a lost cause when it comes to this little girl:) LOL

Tracy said...

LOL at Matylda wanting to play!!

And omg, I forgot about sweet Mabelle's plea to George to play the game with her. Still amazed he woudln't play after her sweet little voice promised him a hug...lol!

shari b. said...

so, the story I got here was that Isabel blew Noe off the dance floor!! I love the the pic of the big kids and Jason and those arm dances-haha! So very sorry I missed the fun. Especially my babies...

tracyvanhorne said...

Oh the "who let the dogs out" song cracks me up so bad! How cute are all those pictures!

Jenifer said...

LOL!!!! Love the pictures!! The litte girls looked so cute dancing :)

Jenifer said...

*little... must.stop.typing.fast, lol