Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The bruiser...

So yesterday, Mabs fell pretty hard and hit her head on the glass shelf in our super-sized TV stand...poor thing. It instantly turned purple and black and blue...yet.

This is RIGHT after it happened, hence the "chi-chi"...
And this is Day 2...I couldn't get a great shot, since the knot has fallen into her eyelid, but you can see across her eyebrow where she banged it. Poor baby.And if you ask her what happened? How'd she get the owie? The TV did it...then she "cwried", and she'll tell you "poor baby". Pretty pitiful! I'll keep updating on how it looks in the next few days...


tracyvanhorne said...

ahhhh, poor baby! :(

eliseschnarr said...

Bless her heart. . .:(

Tiffany said...

Oh no! Poor baby!! :(