Monday, September 10, 2007

Peanut Update: 19 weeks

So I'm 19 weeks (as of last Friday), and I'll be 5 month preggers this week!! Eeekkk, where did the first part of this pregnancy go??? I'm feeling a lot more movement, little things here and there, but nothing where anyone can feel it yet. We go next week for the big ultrasound, so hoping for a healthy.....cooperative little peanut. And then we'll be making some calls, to let everyone know (if he/she cooperates) what we're having!! I've only gained 2 lbs, according to my scale and still in regular clothes, thank goodness. But I was in regular clothes with Mabs for most of the pregnancy too.

If you click it, you can see it larger--not that I would recommend that!! And this isn't the greatest comparison pics...I'm standing skewed on the current pics--not as sideways as the Mabelle Prego pics. I think I'm about the same though...maybe.
Again....excuse the crazy, wonk eye...and frizzy hair...and well...I'm sure I could go on and on critiquing myself! HAHAHAHAHAHA!


tracyvanhorne said...

You are so gorgeous! :) So excited to find out if I can buy any pirate stuff yet!!!

Golden Eye Pics said...

You look AWESOME!! I'm so happy for the three of you and can't wait to find out what you are having! Take Care! Rebecca

eliseschnarr said...

You are too cute, tracy! i am super excited to find out what ya'll are having:)

~Maggie said...

I am guessing little peanut did not cooperate this week at the doctor. Dang the luck. I kinda like this blog thing, I may have to start one of my own.