Thursday, September 17, 2009

Posing Pirates :)

And another school outfit...she's hilarious! And school is so much better now that she drops off in a new teacher's room (Kennedy's teacher). Not a single tear since we started Miss Terry's room. Wooohoooo!
Isabel...are you responsible for this pose?? The toe point? LOL!

A favor from our good friend's party we missed cause of our adorable is that?!?!


justheather said...

I LOVE the toe pose! And she of course looks adorable in her school clothes! Glad there are no more tears! Cute, cute pirate hats!

Jenifer said...

Love the posing and the outfit! Great pirate hats! They would have gone fabulous with our pirate party :)

eliseschnarr said...

Adorable pirates those two kiddos are:) yay for no more tears!!!

shari b. said...

What can I say? She learns quickly :)
Love my little prodigy!!

shari b. said...

ugh parents signed in with MY computer on THEIR account... That was from Izzy-belle!!