Thursday, December 17, 2009


Jenifer said...

OMG! That is the cutest video EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

justheather said...

SOOOOO cute!!!!! They were adorable, and Mabelle looks so excited and happy!

Kristy said...

it makes me laugh and cry at the same time! I am so happy you didn't get my butt in your video! Can I get a copy of this? We obviously did not get a video but I want one! Mabelle looks so happy and proud of herself! She rocks!

Isabel said...

Okay, speaking from my perspective, (a Master's Degree in Ele Education and a current pre-school educator) I am SOOOOOOO impressed by my baby girl great-niece!! She obviously knows every movement and all the words! I loved it and I am so impressed that she did such a nice job!!

Am I a little Partial to Mabs??? You bet!!!
Loved it- Wish Gruncle Chris, Izzy, and Nick and I were there.

eliseschnarr said...

I'm with Sissie:) She looves the stage! Matylda was so excited to see her Mabelle on the screen and she was doing a little dance! So cute!!!!

Kerri said...

How adorable!!! You can tell she loves the stage :)