Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jason turns OLD

Jason turned the big 3-0 on Monday and I had planned a BIG day for him...which all fell thru :( He ended up tattooing the german Ryan Seacrest for 10hrs and came home exhausted...I didn't get to cook for him or even make him a cake on his actual birthday. We just vegged on the couch for his big day.

An awesome hat Jenifer & the Velarde clan got for him....LMAO!


We were able to give him his gifts the next day!

Altho not lavish...Mabs did put alot of thought into them...

Cash insisted ont he ball game, while Mabelle found a new Mario for them to play!

How cute are these 2??!

The cake fell we improvised and made cake balls! YUM!!! There's 30 in front of them :)



.:Heather:. said...

happy birthday old man! ;)

Jenifer said...

OLDIE!!! LOL!! Love the cakeballs, gifts, and most importantly the HAT! LOL!!

eliseschnarr said...

That hat is awesome!!!! Love the cakeballs and the gifts. I don't know..he looks pretty happy to be spending the day with his fam, even if it was the next day:)

Happy Birthday, brother!

justheather said...

Happy birthday Oldie Moldy!!!! LOL!!! Looks like it was a fun day, cakeballs sound AWESOME! And I love how excited Mabs looks about the gifts, some good daddy, daughter bonding time! hahaha;)

tracyvanhorne said...

I'm older than Jason... oh lord... wait, how am I talking to you anyway on this space age contraption? Hang on there are some damn kids in my yard again, gotta find the broom....