Sunday, August 8, 2010

"I've got a secret!!!!!" --Mabelle Grace

"Mommy's got a baby in her belly!!!!!" This is how Mabelle announced to almost everyone the big news. We are pregnant!!! I'm almost 8 weeks, we go to the doc August 11. From my calculations, I would be due March 22, 2011. Eek!!! We also had fortune cookies made and gave them out, with 3 fortunes inside:

'Luck is on your side, a new addition to your family is coming soon.'
'Three is the key to happiness.'
'A pleasant surprise awaits you.'

And only one person (Jason's Aunt Sissy asked if we needed to take a pregnancy! I replied with "I've already taken two.) got the fortune cookies...there were many curious faces on why the fortune cokies had the same fortunes. LOL! But in the end, Mabelle got to make her announcement to everyone :)


Jenifer said...


eliseschnarr said...

So happy for baby tritten #3:) Let the shower planning begin!! And #3 does get a shower...I"m sure that infant seat is about expired:)!

justheather said...

Those fortunes were VERY vague! LOL!! Oh well, in the end everyone got the message! LOVE this, can't wait for our new little girl;)

And LMAO at Elise, I agree!!