Monday, August 27, 2007

Mabelle makes me laugh!!

Well, Mabelle hit 23 months yesterday :( I can't believe she'll be 2 in a month! She's so darn smart...she has so many of her books memorized and will read them to you now. And when we were out and about, I had to convince this lady she was turning 2 not 3!! She didn't believe me at all, because of her vocab and her conversation skills. LOL!

Potty training is going really well, it's scary! She's not telling me when she has to go, and the pooping on the potty is only happening if i catch her starting to go...but we've only had still 4 accidents in almost 8 days!!!!!!!! Diapers at night and during naptimes, which she is NOT happy about.

Enjoy the pics!

Mabelle enjoying some of Mama's sandwich....mmm...Jimmy John's...
Drumming while tinkling on the potty.
Hiding in my crockpot insulator.
Eating a popsicle...or really just sucking all the juice out of it!
Coloring with her big girl panties!


tracyvanhorne said...

HOLY COW!! She has her books memorized?? What does that say about Eva... she has Charlie & the Chocolate Factory memorized... hahahahaha! Such cute pictures!!

eliseschnarr said...

She needs to color on her daddy's head if you catch my drift:)!!!

shari b. said...

Mabelle is so lucky to have a daddy who will get on the floor and play with her--like father like son!!

you guys are such a precious family!!

Isabel said...

Wow, what a multi-tasker; pottying and playng the drums!! She is a Wonder Child...

.:Heather:. said...

Some people read on the potty, Mabs drums