Thursday, September 20, 2007

Peanut at 20 weeks 5 days :)

We had our doctor's appointment yesterday, and we are having........a healthy baby!! The little one didn't cooperate with revealing a gender, although the doc saw something that made her think 60-70% one way. But we're still keeping it in our minds that we don't know. Our doc is going to give us another ultrasound next month, just to see if we can tell then...for free, because she's "da bomb"!! LOL!

So far, baby is growing on track, and everything looks great. I've gained 6lbs, and am still feeling great, I don't think I even have time to not feel great....Mabelle keeps us on our toes! Also the little peanut is pretty active, he/she moves around like crazy...enough for Jason to have felt it last week!!!

Stay tuned for a upated pic....tomorrow!


tracyvanhorne said...

Congrats on the healthy baby!! ;) A month more of waiting seems like an eternity....sigh....

eliseschnarr said...

I like healthy babies:) Either way, I am super excited to be an aunt again