Monday, April 21, 2008

To Vegas & Back...

So we've had a busy few's this trip: VEGAS! It was a great trip, we have officially decided we are moving there and found a house to rent while we were out there. Liz & David flew out as well to help, and were a HUGE help. Jason went out Wed-Wed, to work and make sure he liked the shop...I flew out Thurs-Sun with the kids by myself (whoa...nightmare, let's just say...topped with a poop blowout on my lap & in my hair on the plane, is one of the lovely perks to traveling with 2 babies alone). We had a good time, once we finally found a house on our last morning in Vegas, thanks to our friend having a friend who's in hard times. Anyways, woohoo...Vegas.

Before we left...all smiles :)
Pretty as a ballerina!
After the flight out there...relaxing, jumping on the hotel bed.
Stretching out on the hotel bed.

Chilling with Mimi at toast.
Riding a horse....
Nope..wanted no part of the horse, wanted to be in the chariot instead.

Going to the Shark Reef in the hotel Daddy's going to work in. Lots of fishies...that's a lionfish behind her head.'s a shark princess crown!!
Trying to take in the fishy sites as well. :)
Posing with Papa...not sure what they're looking at, I was the only other person there.

Is that an ornery face or what???? An outing with everyone...Daddy holding her to see the lions sleeping.
Almost as good as a princess M&M siting!!!!!!
"I want orange, and yellow, and green m&ms."


justheather said...

i love cash's face when he's trying to see the fish, priceless! it looks like you had fun despite everything...btw i'm still LMAO at your flight story! you know i love ya!

Jenifer said...

Yuck again on the blowout, fun times. Looks like you all had fun and CONGRATS again on your house and Jasons new job! Whoohooo for vegas baby ;)

tracyvanhorne said...

WOO-HOO for Vegas!!! So happy for you and Jason! Can't wait for my va-cay out to see you... one day ;) I guess I'll never get to see Nebraska now... oh how will I survive?? Mandalay Bay is my favorite hotel, LOVED that shark reef! Congrats again!

eliseschnarr said...

looks like you had so much fun. can't wait to come see you!!!

Golden Eye Pics said...

Vegas, wow! Congrats! and a def. congrats on the travels, you are Supper Mom!!! Viva Las Vegas!
I wish you and the Family much success! do you have a move date set?

.:Heather:. said...

YAY! Pic overload! I'm glad the vacation was fun, I'm still bummed on the traveling part of the vacation though. Can't wait to see you!