Friday, June 29, 2007

The first (of, oh so many) pictures of the Peanut!

So we had our first doctor's appointment today, and I just love my OB more and more everytime I see her--she's soooo great! Everything looks great, I'm 9 weeks pregnant today, so my calculations were correct, and our due date is Feb. 1, 2008. The little stinker is even listening already...he/she moved for mommy when the Doc asked!!! I don't know what I'll do with a child that listens...hahahahahaha! Here's the first image of our sweet, little peanut:

Thanks goodness there's only one baby in there...I had a dream that I was having triplets!! Four under the age of 3 is the scariest thing!!

1 comment:

tracyvanhorne said...

The cutest little peanut I've ever seen!! :)