Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Shoes & Scabs....oooohhhhhhh

Yup, it's the polky-dotted shoes again..she LOVES those!! But look how grown she looks, wearing her heels, pushing her stroller.

I guess everyone will know when Mama gets new shoes...Mabelle has to try them on to make sure they look good!!

OWIE!! "What happen?" "Olivia's" That's Mabelle's conversation she will have with herself concerning her big ol' scabby owie. She learned, the hard way, not to run on concrete driveways--even Olivia, Race, Jerry, and Angela's driveway. Poor baby!


Isabel said...

Oh, those scabs hurt so badly on your knees!! I would know considering I would have a nasty scab on my knee too. Yes, I fell on the concrete because I couldn't catch my balance after a round off!

tracyvanhorne said...

Your new shoes are cool! So... what size do you wear again? You're going to send them to me after Mabelle is done with them, right? ;)

eliseschnarr said...

She will be a pro in those shoes before she is even 2!!