Friday, August 10, 2007

Lots of good pics!!

Quick post....lots of pics!!
Mabs LOVES Toy Story 2, so I found these cute 4 little guys on Ebay...what can I say, she LOVES Jessie so much!
Look Mom, it's Jessie!!
She wanted them to stand up! Only Bullseye could :(
What else does she need...a couch, her boots, and a snack...heaven!
Her first twinkie....she's hooked!
Yup, that's our little fashionista!
The first time she'd even try her flip flops on!!
Yup...sonic slush...mmmm!! She may not be 2 yet, but the girl has taste!
The best place to catch up on some good reading.
Look Mom...a purple tongue!! It matches her shirt...hahahaha!
Blowing bubbles...
So happy about blowing bubbles.
Pink chalk hands!


tracyvanhorne said...

Whoa... where did you get that cool bubble thing?? As always, Mabelle makes me smile! :) Keep those cute pictures coming!!

eliseschnarr said...

Very cute pics this week. I mean between the cowboy boots and the sonic slushy, how much better can it get?!?!

Isabel said...

Well, pictures of Mabelle always brighten my day, especially when I am stuck in bed with shingles and a rib out of place!!! She is quite the fashionista!!