Friday, November 2, 2007

27 weeks

Mr. Peanut has been in the womb for 27 whole weeks now. He's an ornery one, just like his big sister was...kicking me, wallering, pinching me from the inside....all the joys of being pregnant! I'm enjoying everything still, but just uncomfortable at night. Mabelle's so "exciting" for the baby, she even asked me last night to open my belly so she could give the baby some sugar. I hope she still feels that way in a few months....

And I'm way cuter this time around with a toddler....don't know how that worked out. I definitely look (how did Heather put it) "fresher" this time around. But all of Mabelle's prego pics were taken after the gym or at night...and I was working then...not as hard as I work nowadays....hmmmm.....


tracyvanhorne said...

Oh my gosh that is so sweet! Wanting to give him sugars!! LOVE IT!

.:Heather:. said...

You look great! Mabs is going to be a great big sis!

justheather said...

cute, cute, cute! your belly button is also sticking out this time, i remember with mabs it took forever, or did it ever? anywho, i love that mabs wants to give him sugar:) just hope she feels that way when she has to share him with YOU! just sayin' (what are friends for) ;) hahahaha

eliseschnarr said...

too, too cute belly pics - you look beautiful and happy and i can't wait to see you!