Friday, November 2, 2007

Just another week for Little Miss M...

Mabelle had visitors last week. Her Papa Joe & Grandma Teresa came to visit..and she loved all the attention. She learned about grasshoppers, and her favorite thing was bonking her ball on everyone's head--especially Papa Joe.

Going down the slide 25x in a row, while Papa counted.
Hunting and finding grasshoppers.
Letting them hop on her shirt!
Checking out the bubble situation:
Trying to blow them herself...
Playing "Catch"...or bonk people on the head with her ball--even poor Ruby!
Daddy bonking Mabelle on the head.


tracyvanhorne said...

eeewwwww!! grasshoppers on her shirt!?! she loves the bugs just as much as Eva, huh? ;)

.:Heather:. said...

Ha! Great shot, the last one. Love the ball just about to hit her & her crazy baby-hawk!

eliseschnarr said...

i hope she bonked her daddy back for that last one!