Saturday, December 29, 2007

Update on pics...leading up to Christmas!

Eating white donuts...mmm...

Opening an early gift from her Great-grandparents....Rudolph & Frosty!!


Getting a "package for me" from my fabulous Internet friends ;) They sent us a baby shower gift full of great pirate gifts for the new baby..and even included Mabelle with lots of Princess themed gifts! They are too sweet!

She decided to get in the tote all her gifts came in...
Wearing the earrings...can you see them??Opening an early gift from her Aunt Sissy, Uncle Chris, Izzy, and Nick.

It's the green witch from Wizard of Poz..."I'll get you my pretty"!! It says it, so now I have 2 little cuties in my house that yell that phrase at me!
Wearing Mama's slippers :)
" Say cheese, mama"


tracyvanhorne said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe she fits in that box! HILARIOUS! LOVE these pictures! :)

Isabel said...

As I was looking at the picture of her with the camera, I noticed that in the background her daddy is wearing a tiara...Quite ironic considering her t-shirt says my daddy is the man!! LOL

shari b. said...

Hey, Next thing you know, Daddy will be wearing Mabelle's Tu-Tu and sticking his pinky out when the two of them have another tea party.

What a great Dad.


eliseschnarr said...

holy pictures! i love them all