Saturday, May 24, 2008

And Cash eats!

So we all know Cash is a chunky little man. Well, I started him on cereal yesterday and I think once he figures out how his mouth & eating works, he will be an eating fool! We fed him when he was hungry, and he kept diving for the spoon, and trying to suck everything on the spoon down. It had to be watery for him to get used to the texture, and so most of it ended up on his bib or hands or tray or me, but what he got in his tummy, he sure did enjoy! He was frustrated with the fact that it wasn't a steady flow of food, I just couldn't keep up with him wanting to eat!

Yup, chunky eating REAL food.


Jenifer said...

Way to go Cash!!

justheather said...

chunky man on the loose:~)

tracyvanhorne said...

Those cheeks! Oh I just want to eat him up!

eliseschnarr said...

holy cow...the first pic is like a little jason!

.:Heather:. said...

Yum yum!

Karol said...

Oh my goodness!!
Tracy, I just want to say "Thank you" for being so devoted to keeping this updated. I check several times a week, just to keep up with the family. I love you "four"!! Keep up the good work.
"Auntie" Karol