Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cash rolls the other way too!

So I posted a video awhile back of Cash rolling from tummy to back at 2 weeks 4 months he now rolls the other way too!


justheather said...

Mama you're on top of it now! That's what I'm talking about, new stuff every day;~)

tracyvanhorne said...

What a big boy!! So cool that he's rolling around! Won't be long now that you'll be sending Mabs to go chase after him... that's how that works when you have 2 kids, right? I mean I just send Art... but he's like my other kid. HA! ;)

eliseschnarr said...

Yay!! More pics and videos. I'm so happy you are a wonderful mama and post all of this stuff bc it makes me sad that I miss all of these memories

.:Heather:. said...

what's cuter...his cooing or his rolling? Big boy rolling over!!!

Jenifer said...

YAY CASH!! So cute!