Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lots of Catchup...all bulked into one post!

Ok, so we arrive in Vegas...go to the doctor for Mabs sickies the day after (we did not like her, so she has been crossed off the long list of potential doctors)....and then 2 very long weeks later, our movers arrive with our stuff!!! It was awful, since I was told a few days (NOT 2 weeks), and we packed for a few days..thank goodness for our family & friends helping us thru those awful weeks. During that time: Mabs got better (it was a virus), Cash & I got sick, Cash rolled for the first time from back to tummy, Mabelle fell/flipped down the stairs (Jason caught her a few steps before she hit the tile floor), we've had a bunch of playdates (including Chuck E. Cheese-forgot my camera), and have started a house hunt. Here's proof of our adventures :)

Cash in mid-roll...
Sick Mabelle in a half-built car (I finished putting it together, with only one small injury).
Sick Mabelle in awe over the onion ring stack at Red Robyn...hahaha!
Sick Mabelle feeling better after her corndogs arrived!
Mabelle is OBSESSED with the Statue of Liberty, so this is her celebrity picture!!
Enjoying her morning ice cream in her newly finished Barbie car.
Showing us that she can drive.

Sharing with James...he is an excellent driver!!
There's ALWAYS crack at our house...Cash fits right in!
Mabelle enjoying Papa David.
Mimi & Mabelle...notice our lovely furniture (darn movers....grrrr).
Cash enjoying his borrowed Bumbo from James.

Princess Mabelle in her new Barbie Princess dress, showing Cash how his toys work.
This is her 'loving' him, which consists of her invading his space and saying 'aaaawwww'. Can you see their matching outfits?
In her Barbie car, Barbie dress, and holding a Barbie...
Eating a toy. The boy loves to eat.
Thumbs up.

Dancing with Great Grandma, Alma.
My 2 sweet boys laughing..puts a smile on my heart!
Ignore me, I look cra-zeee, but how funny is Cash's face!
Enjoying bubbles with Pat, James, Grandma Alma & Grandpa Don.
Cash cooing & smiling with Grandma.

One of our playdates at a park with sprinklers...Mabs loooved it!
Running thru the sprinklers.
James turning the sprinklers on, and Mabs getting ready to run again.
Did I say goofball?

Playing blocks.
Eating, but look how long her hair is getting!
Cash going cross-eyed at his bebe pod chair toy...hee hee
At another playdate at Pump It Up, my camera died after this pic (boo battery), but Mabelle continued to do this slide by herself the entire time!


Jenifer said...

I loved the pictures! Tailia has been looking at "Mabelle the princess" in her barbie car for 10 minutes! LOL!

justheather said...

I love em' all!! I can't believe how big they are getting! Cash looks like he's almost as tall as miss Mabelle, I gotta make a trip out there soon before they get so big I don't recognize them, LOL!

tracyvanhorne said...

What great pictures! I was needing my Tritten Family fix... How cute is Mabs in that car! Eva won't even make hers go, she just likes to sit in it and pretend. The child is just freaked out by it. hahaha! (I hate it when Art is right, btw...)

eliseschnarr said...

All of the pics are so good. I miss you all!! And Miss Mabs is just a vision of Barbie:)

.:Heather:. said...

Oh the pictures! I love them all. Cash with the bubbles-hilarious! Mabs with the onion ring tower-hilarious! Mabs all Barbied out-love it!