Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Oh my, where did 5 months go? How is our little man getting so big so fast? Tear, tear...sniffle...snort. Cash is 5 months today and is jabbering, rolling, scooting/crawling (proof below), and eating like a champ (btw...we had major throw up last night...he is doing fine, doc said he might've overindulged on his food--Cash? nuh-uh--we think he might've gotten the virus Jason just had, and Mabs & I had 2 weeks ago). He had a doc appt today (and I looooove this doc...he even gives out his cell phone number for emergencies--which I promptly used during the throw-up episode last night), and Cash looks fabulous-o. He is 17lbs, and 25.75inches long.

Just a sweet moment between our babies.
Such a ham (I have NO idea who he gets that from...none).
Notice his position above on the blanket..that's where he started, then did his face-scoot (shown here)...
And is now on the edge of the blanket...
Another face-scoot, with his legs tucked & pushing...butt high in the air...
And a small pivot, and he's off the blanket.
Once he gets a little faster, there will be a video. Right now, he rests during his face-scoots...he's in no hurry to get where he's going.


Jenifer said...

Holy sssssmokes Batman, That kid is mobile? Amazing!Im glad everyone is feeling better from the fun at all.

justheather said...

moving and a scooting, i'd say that means baby is growing up! time for another one:~) LOL!

tracyvanhorne said...

Oh he is so cute! HAPPY 5 MONTHS CASH!! :)

eliseschnarr said...

watch out las vegas, cash is mobile! happy 5 months sweet baby

Arreguy Fam-dam-ily said...

Wowsa! Check him out!! Mover and shaker that kid is! ;) I can't believe how BIG he is! Augustas just lost a pound last week with his terrible he's only 13 oz more than Cash right now...and umm....6 months older! YIKES! Ok so 6.5 inches taller least he's got his height! Hope things are going or txt sometime! ;) Laters - Mrs. A.

.:Heather:. said...

face scoots....hilarious! love you little man!