Monday, June 9, 2008

Playdate with the Ducks...they loved us!

Me, the kids, Pat & James went to another park (there's a BAZILLION around here), and had a picnic and fed the ducks (and crazy pigeons--I think they were crazy pigeons). The kids...LOVED IT; the ducks...LOVED IT; the crazy pigeons...LOVED IT the most!! Here's the pics, there were so many cute ones, I tried to include quite a bit.

The kids running (holding hands...sooo sweet), to go feed the ducks.
Cash, happy in his new onesie (thanks Heather....HAHAHA) on the princess picnic blanket.
Patiently waiting for the ducks to notice them.
Watching them swim over.
Both leaning over to see all of the crazy, hungry ducks.
Just a few.
Trying very hard to see all of them eating the bread she was throwing.

Doing it all by herself.
James getting a better look.
There are those crazy pigeons...they were getting sooo close. I had to bean them with the bread to get them to back up. Thought I was gonna have to wrestle them, while holding Cash.
Picnic time...cantelope. The only thing she ate that I brought..Pat & James food was much better. Hahaha!
Using a juice box holder to hold her cereal bar..watching James collect pine cones.


Jenifer said...

Awwww adorable in every way. LOL at Ca$h's onsie!!!!

tracyvanhorne said...

That juice box thing is cool!! Where might I purchase one? :) Love Cash's new onsie! heehee!

eliseschnarr said...

loving that cantelope smile and the cash's freaking cute onesie!!

justheather said...

been waiting to see the chunky boy in his new onsie!! LOL! love the kids feeding the ducks, a favorite past time of mine;~)

.:Heather:. said...

LMBO at that onesie! Mabs is adorable in yellow! Looks like you guys had tons of fun!