Wednesday, December 17, 2008's Cash-y!

It's official, Cash is the sweetest baby ever. He is such a great baby, he is walking so much now but hasn't totally ditched crawling yet (he's way faster on all 4). And is getting more vocal and opiniated, he definitely tells me if he wants the food I'm trying to feed him. He loves his Daddy, and lights up when he sees him...and boy does he looooove Mabelle. She calls him her best friend, and is sometimes too rough with him, or too bossy, but other times will melt your heart with her sweetness for him. Enjoy the pics :)

On top of the world...(with crazy eyes)
Whats wrong with this picture?? LOL!

Walking in the kitchen...ignore the dog hair knees!

Making garland with me, it turned out beeeatiful!
Just like Daddy, always has to have a remote in his hand!

The day before he was sick (notice the pink cheeks)...a few days after Mabs was was a vomit mess around here! YUCK!
I just can't resist a cute pic of my boy.
He is not hurting her...they were wallering together...laughing loudly and screaming.

Daddy in on the fun too!


eliseschnarr said...

Cute cute babies. They are sooo sweet. It does kind of look like Cash is choking Mabelle, though:) And yay for no more sick fun!

Jenifer said...

SO adorbale!!! Tailia asked, " what cartoons is Cash trying to watch?" LOL! Love the garland! Makes me not want to post my garland pictures! HAHA!

Goms said...

How CUTE!!! Love the cash choking Mabs pic :-).. love Mabs face in it actually. gotta save the mermaid sippy pic for his teens :-)

tracyvanhorne said...

Such great pictures! Glad everyone is feeling better :)

.:Heather:. said...

Awww, they were sick? :( Love these pics!

justheather said...

So cute!! I love the one where Cash is choking Mabs, she looks like she's loving it! LOL, someday she won't!