Monday, December 29, 2008

Some cute ones before Christmas :)

My two walking babies...I did NOT coordinate the white tees and jeans, but how sweet did that end up?!? Cash is now walking probably 90% of the time, he has exploded the past few days!

My beautiful blondie.
"I'm the statue of liberty, Mom!"

He loooves that magic wand, a boy and his wand...

Can you see in the crack of the door? He has started terrorizing his sister...especially while she's on the potty. He laughs hysterically, sometimes she laughs...most of the time she screams.


eliseschnarr said...

And the joy of being a brother funny that he bothers her while shes on the pot! I do feel for Mabelle tho..if Cash is anything like his Daddy, the terrorizing has just begun

.:Heather:. said...

HA! that's hilarious-him sneaking up on her while she's on the potty & her screaming!

Jenifer said...

LOL! Christian watches Tailia on the potty too...brothers ;). LOL.

Goms said...

LOL :-) Keerthna does the same to Kavya and receives the same reaction! white/jeans look grt on Mabs and Cash!

justheather said...

Hahahaha! Cracking up at him sneaking in on her... too funny!!

tracyvanhorne said...

Mabelle better learn how to lock the door! That is brother defense 101 :)