Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kennedy's 3rd Party

Mabelle's sweet friend, Kennedy had her 3rd birthday party at Pump It Up this weekend, and the kids had a blast.
Cash sporting Mabelle's birthday hat clip ;)
That's Mabelle going down like superman...she is a daredevil on that slide!!

Cash going down with Antoinette. The HUGE smile on his face says it all! (and yes, I went down with them 8000x!)

Kennedy blowing out the birthday candles.

Grandma Teresa, Antoinette and Cashy.

The cupcakes were a hit!

Mabelle tells me the little boy on the right (closest to the camera) is her boyfriend (he's in our gymnastics class too). ACK! Already?!?!

Sweet Kennedy

Opening our gift to her...it was an Ariel extravaganzaa....swimsuit, towel, doll, pool toys & bubbles. All Ariel!

Happy 17 Months, Cashy! (June 25..little late)

Oh my....our sweet boy is 17 months now. He is sooo funny and ornery--even worse than his sister (I never thought that was possible!). Let's see...he loves Max & Ruby (grunts nonstop til you put it on), loves to play with markers, balls & cars...and discovering a love for books. Cash still isn't a talker (but how do you talk in a house with me and Mabelle??), he does say quite a few things, and can get his point across with no problem. He eats like a horse and still doesn't sleep thru the night. I thought he might be weaning, but he has yet to stop nursing. He is such a fun little guy to be around...loves his sister so much and showers her with kisses.

Playing ball, while watching the rain.
Showing me the ball.

Being our goofy little man.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

While Dad's away....

..the kids will cry then...play and play and play!

Mabelle pushing Cash in that baby stroller again. That $10 stroller has MANY miles logged on it.
Excitement with a little fear...when you see her push him, you would know why the fear is there.

Her new undies she was SO EXCITED to find (boy undies pixar package of 7)...but she's not happy that the big picture is on the butt on boy undies so she turns them around. Silly girl!!

And a little boy who loves light-up shoes....high-heeled, pink light-up shoes...that's normal, right?? HAHAHAHAA! Normal if you have a big sister with cool shoes :)

Happy Father's Day :)

Happy (late) Father's Day to all those great daddies out there!! We had a good morning with Daddy before he had to leave to go be with a friend through a difficult time in Nebraska. But we gave him a few gifts and had a great lunch with our friends, Pat, Jime & James. And we'll make sure to celebrate a little more when he returns. He's such a great Daddy and deserves more than one day to show him how much we love and appreciate him. Here's a few pics of the day/gifts:
The night before..Mabelle wanted to be squished and Cash wanted love. He IS a multi-tasking Daddy!!!
The gift bags...

The wallets unfolded...not a can kooozy....as it was mistaken by one of the recipients. LOL!!!!!

The gift set for all the wonderful daddies we have in our family...the 'card' and wallet. (we made necklaces for the mommies on mother's day--just realized I don't think I posted those gift pics) Mabelle wrote everyone's name on their card--she was so proud.
Daddy opening his gifts!

Looks genuine...with a tad of cheesy portrait smile mixed in. But he's still so cute :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

All Mabelle...all the time.

Mabelle showing off her side ponytail, and a pic she drew for me...and her necklace...
Skating...she is NOT coordinated enough for one handed assitance..this was a brief moment we weren't holding both her hands and dragging her around the driveway.

And bike riding :)

Planting our pumpkin seeds....we'll transfer if they grow, but hey..you never know, we could have our own pumpin patch, I mean pot, this year!!

Admiring two hibiscus blooms.

Mabelle was in time-out for talking back to me, while she was getting dressed for dance class (hence her being half dressed). While she was sitting there, Cash was showering her with kisses and then decided to sit and finish her time out with her. Quietly too!! I was able to capture the sympathetic boy joining her in time-out but not the kisses. He is too sweet.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


We've had a busy crazy last couple of weeks, we had grandparents here (see previous post...lol), and then we lost a big part of our family (our first baby, Daisy...there will be a blog post for her, just hard to look at all those pictures). Soooo I've slacked on my posting, but I've got some cute pics to share and some stories:
One morning, Jason and I are chatting in the bathroom, while Mabs decides it's time to go potty (she exits to the potty room...the master bath has it's own private potty). As she's pottying, I start to tell Jason how naughty she was this morning and how she already had a timeout. Out of the closed potty room, we hear "HEY GUYS, don't talk about me!". It was sooo funny, she sounded like a teenager.
This week we had a followup appt from last week for Cash. We rushed him to the doc about 2 more bloody stools and they ran a bunch of tests again. They all came back negative...again. And the doc is pretty positive it's an allergy to red fruits...strawberries (including smoothies, juices & yogurts), watermelon...you know, the good ones! So we've stopped both of those and have not had anymore blood...thank goodness. The doc thinks the allergy will go away, so we'll test the waters in a few months. On his followup visit on Friday, he got 2 shots and was given a clean bill of health :) OK...now for what you've all been waiting for...the sweet pics :)
I was responding to Mabelle needing assistance in the potty and when I returned to the living room to see how Cashy was...I found this. Markers out, paper out...and a happy little boy coloring on the kitchen floor.
He LOVES markers.

My little lefty!

So me being anal...I took them to the designated marker blanket and let them play markers. This is Cash afterwards, wondering how he got all this marker on HIM and not on the paper.
It's like a magnet...he cannot stay away from the dog food. We have to feed Ruby outside, or when he's eating, or asleep!

The face after his first twinkie.

Another new thing he loves....dr. pepper. Well...playing with the cans next to the fridge. This must be how I look when I drink it. LOL!
Stacking them, and just having so much fun (mama didn't even think about the disaster that could occur when his stack came tumbling down).

We play with this scooter thing (I know there's a name for it, and I can never remember it!!) ALL the time--us parents even fit on it, cause of the generous weight limit. Cash usually likes to roll on it alone...can you tell from his face?! (and yes, that's a princess cup he's drinking from. lol) We race, chase and speed down the hallway and kitchen.
Jason discovered they brought Jell-O pops back and of course bought them and shared them with the kids (altho, I'm prohibited from eating the swirl ones..thanks.). This is Cash's first taste. Needless to say, he loves them.

Showing Ruby how it's done.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A visit from Mimi & Papa

We had a fantastic visit from Mimi & Papa last week, the kids had a blast playing, swimming and just hanging out with their grandparents. Papa was here for the weekend, and Mimi stayed the whole week. She got to go to gymnastics class, dance class and tumble class (she even went to a Pump It Up birthday party with us). We had so much fun, here's the slideshow!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My baby, all growed up :(

After mentioning that I think it was getting close to the time we needed to turn Cash around in his carseat...Jason decided today was the day. He did it right after dance class, giving me no time to cry or put up a fight!! LOL! Cash got in his seat and instantly did his little goat laugh...soo cute! He's easily 3-4lbs heavier than Mabelle was when she was turned at 23.5months, and even a tad taller. Oi..either way, he's turned now and loves it. But he loves everything :)

(as I told Cash to say "cheeeeese", he started his adorable cheese face, which I missed)

Cash meets a new 'friend'

Cash meet the wall....
Wall, this is Cash's forehead.
As both kids were running to be with me in my bathroom (which has a narrow entrance when our bedroom door is open)...Mabelle made it through the doorway, while Cash got run over and crashed into the wall. Mabelle felt so bad..instantly giving Cash sugar, telling him how sorry she was, and telling me that it was an accident. She had wanted to tell me how cute his new flip flops were...that's why she was running to me, and he runs when she runs. The bruise and blood spots were instant. And it looks way worse in person. He cried for a minute, and was smiling VERY soon after meeting his new friend, the wall.