Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cash meets a new 'friend'

Cash meet the wall....
Wall, this is Cash's forehead.
As both kids were running to be with me in my bathroom (which has a narrow entrance when our bedroom door is open)...Mabelle made it through the doorway, while Cash got run over and crashed into the wall. Mabelle felt so bad..instantly giving Cash sugar, telling him how sorry she was, and telling me that it was an accident. She had wanted to tell me how cute his new flip flops were...that's why she was running to me, and he runs when she runs. The bruise and blood spots were instant. And it looks way worse in person. He cried for a minute, and was smiling VERY soon after meeting his new friend, the wall.


tracyvanhorne said...

OUCH! Poor guy! I think Eva lived out the first 3 years of her life with a constant bruise on her forehead in that exact spot! I seriously can't find a picture without one...

Jenifer said...

What a story! LOL! Poor Mabes for feeling bad and poor, poor Cashy! Owwwwwwww..

eliseschnarr said...

First of all...LOL at the finger:) And, what a tough little guy and Mabs is so sweet for feeling instintly bad! Sweet babies:)

Unknown said...

thats like that one time i slipped in pe sophomore year and had a goose egg on my forehead like 4 inches long. that was an embarrassing summer

justheather said...

Awww, poor guy! I will say that most of my early childhood I looked the exact same way (maybe minus the finger up the nose,LOL) I turned out fine... I think!! Glad it didn't keep him down long, and what a sweet sis.

Adrians Mama said...

Adrian is constantly falling and its always his forehead that gets the bruise!! poor Cash! Hope he is doing better now!