Sunday, June 14, 2009


We've had a busy crazy last couple of weeks, we had grandparents here (see previous, and then we lost a big part of our family (our first baby, Daisy...there will be a blog post for her, just hard to look at all those pictures). Soooo I've slacked on my posting, but I've got some cute pics to share and some stories:
One morning, Jason and I are chatting in the bathroom, while Mabs decides it's time to go potty (she exits to the potty room...the master bath has it's own private potty). As she's pottying, I start to tell Jason how naughty she was this morning and how she already had a timeout. Out of the closed potty room, we hear "HEY GUYS, don't talk about me!". It was sooo funny, she sounded like a teenager.
This week we had a followup appt from last week for Cash. We rushed him to the doc about 2 more bloody stools and they ran a bunch of tests again. They all came back negative...again. And the doc is pretty positive it's an allergy to red fruits...strawberries (including smoothies, juices & yogurts), know, the good ones! So we've stopped both of those and have not had anymore blood...thank goodness. The doc thinks the allergy will go away, so we'll test the waters in a few months. On his followup visit on Friday, he got 2 shots and was given a clean bill of health :) for what you've all been waiting for...the sweet pics :)
I was responding to Mabelle needing assistance in the potty and when I returned to the living room to see how Cashy was...I found this. Markers out, paper out...and a happy little boy coloring on the kitchen floor.
He LOVES markers.

My little lefty!

So me being anal...I took them to the designated marker blanket and let them play markers. This is Cash afterwards, wondering how he got all this marker on HIM and not on the paper.
It's like a magnet...he cannot stay away from the dog food. We have to feed Ruby outside, or when he's eating, or asleep!

The face after his first twinkie.

Another new thing he loves....dr. pepper. Well...playing with the cans next to the fridge. This must be how I look when I drink it. LOL!
Stacking them, and just having so much fun (mama didn't even think about the disaster that could occur when his stack came tumbling down).

We play with this scooter thing (I know there's a name for it, and I can never remember it!!) ALL the time--us parents even fit on it, cause of the generous weight limit. Cash usually likes to roll on it alone...can you tell from his face?! (and yes, that's a princess cup he's drinking from. lol) We race, chase and speed down the hallway and kitchen.
Jason discovered they brought Jell-O pops back and of course bought them and shared them with the kids (altho, I'm prohibited from eating the swirl ones..thanks.). This is Cash's first taste. Needless to say, he loves them.

Showing Ruby how it's done.


Unknown said...

he's a lefty? that means he is going to be super smart and creative right!?

justheather said...

How funny about Mabs not wanting you guys to talk about her! Cutie Cashy with markets, DP, twinkies, and even the princess cup! Btw, George thinks it's super that Cash is a lefty, for sport related reasons of course, LOL!

eliseschnarr said...

Yay for a lefty...they always are needed:) And lol at Mabs and her shades and Cashy with DP!

Jenifer said...

OMG! LOL! Your pictures are so cute and so hilarious!! Christian colors with his left hand too!

tracyvanhorne said...

heehee! I love that you have a designated marker blanket! :) love you! XO

How cool is it that Cash is a lefty!? You think that will stick? I always knew he was a genius... I told you he was right? I mean any boy who knows how to get the ladies with his princess cup, that's genius if I ever saw it.

Jenn said...

i hear leftys are very artistic. Get him playing baseball and he could be a million dollar earning pitcher someday!!! HEHE!

Mabelle Grace said...

Looks like fun! Great pictures- loved the ones of David and Liz visiting too- that's what summer is all about!