Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My baby, all growed up :(

After mentioning that I think it was getting close to the time we needed to turn Cash around in his carseat...Jason decided today was the day. He did it right after dance class, giving me no time to cry or put up a fight!! LOL! Cash got in his seat and instantly did his little goat laugh...soo cute! He's easily 3-4lbs heavier than Mabelle was when she was turned at 23.5months, and even a tad taller. Oi..either way, he's turned now and loves it. But he loves everything :)

(as I told Cash to say "cheeeeese", he started his adorable cheese face, which I missed)


tracyvanhorne said...

Look at your two big kiddos!!! Ah, where did the time go?? I'm feeling really old these days.... but it helps to be 35 pounds lighter :) hahaha! (sorry just had to throw that in there!)

Jenifer said...

YAY Big Boy!!

eliseschnarr said...

SUCH a big boy!! Yay Cash:)

justheather said...

What a big guy!!

Adrians Mama said...

What a big boy!!! Yay cash!