Saturday, June 9, 2007

Mabelle's New Love

Well, Mabelle has decided that she LOVES to watch 2 movies....over and over and over again. One is Elmo in Grouchland, and the other is Happy Feet...she just loves those singing and dancing penguins!! So much so, we had to get her Mumble while at Walmart one day (darn those displays right in the middle of the aisles!!). Mumble is her new love, she sleeps with him, and wants to take him everywhere we go...he is as big as she is, so he doesn't escort us everywhere, but does go "night-night" with her. Here's some pics of her holding him, giving him sugar, and just thinking he's the coolest thing ever!


eliseschnarr said...

If that is not the cutest thing I have ever seen, then I don't know what is!

P.S. you have been a busy lady updating the blogs. . .well done mama!

Unknown said...

Love Mabelle's pictures! Grandad, Nana, Mimi, Grandad, & Uncle Bobby.

tracyvanhorne said...

So sweet! ;)

Isabel said...

Very cute!! But I do have to admit I thought the movie was a bit creepy, with the leopard seals and everything!<3 Isabel

justheather said...

that look of unrestrained joy all reserved for a stuffed penguin, just think one day it will be for a boy...quick lock her in the closet before its too late!

Isabel said...
