Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More Swimming...

WARNING: Another picture overload...but how can I not include some, she's just so cute and funny---I have to share!!

See the previous post about Mabelle's love of the water :)

Another day of swimming (well, splashing, sliding, and shaking her booty in the pool...that counts as swimming, right?), being ornery (having to have the bubble bottle with her at all times), looking for ladybugs (we found a cool stick instead), and being just soooo darn cute!


tracyvanhorne said...

You really got a good deal on that slide (so jealous)! What cute pictures!!

eliseschnarr said...

She is just so darn adventerous with her baby crocks on and all:)

Isabel said...

This child is amazing!! Can't wait to get my hands on her in July!!
Isabel's mom

Golden Eye Pics said...

Miss M is growing into a smart lil cookie! Tracy I love the posts and all the pictures!!!