Thursday, October 11, 2007

Birthday aftermath....

Here's just some cutesy pics of the Mabelle with some of her gifts that had to be put together...and at tumbling class (she's the crazy child in those pics...hahahaha!). And some of her just being silly!!!!

Her new trike...she loves it!

Eating with her new trike...posing on her own!
Coloring at her new desk...she's serious about it.
Reaching and jumping at tumbling.
Supposed to be doing the butterfly legs, but was laying and rolling around instead.
Figuring out that she can pull her shirt down over her knees!
She just had to wear her bunny ears and tutu around...she kept hopping and saying she was a bunny!
Then her new snow boots came, and got added to the outfit. Do you think she might like to play dress-up????!!


tracyvanhorne said...

Oh my goodness! I just love how serious she is coloring at her desk! How she crosses her feet - adorable! Man, can I just say again how much I wish we lived near each other...

eliseschnarr said...

i see a birthday shirt:)oh,and of course she loves to dress up in a tutu and bunny years, i mean don't we all!

eliseschnarr said...

umm, thats supposed to say bunny ears not years - i got a little excited;)

Isabel said...

wow, I love her stylish outfits! Leggings with undies and a tutu with boots and bunny ears, she is just a little fashionista!!!