Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just this and that

Just a few pics from last & this week...

Opening a Halloween card from a good friend...where you found a Cinderella Halloween card, Tracy..I don't know!! LOL!
Drawing Daddy with her HUGE Tinkerbell pencil.
It's HUGE...I can't even write with it!
Peek-a-boo, Momma!

This is the face I get, when I ask her to say cheese!

Helping Daddy find and pick up dog poo...that ended in her actually picking up poop with her bare hands....YUCKO!

My little tree hugger...she hugs them, and screams "my friend".


tracyvanhorne said...

That face she is making reading my card makes me so happy! I'm glad she loved it... I just had to buy it when I saw it!

eliseschnarr said...

all of these pics made me smile. i'm sick today and miss mabs brought a little happiness to my day:)