Friday, November 30, 2007

31 Weeks Update

Yup it's been 2 weeks, can you believe it?!?! Still feeling ok, besides the pregnancy woes (sore body, charlie horse, numb arms, tingling fingers--all which have left) and the lingering cold (which is now on Day 6)--I'm doing just fine! :D It's hard to tell, since I'm not standing perfectly sideways in the NOW pic, but I'm HUGER (if that's a word). Judge for yourself...


tracyvanhorne said...

How can you be 31 weeks already?!?! I just can't believe it... looking as cute as ever though! :) Glad you're feeling better.

eliseschnarr said...

well, i'm not sure that huger is word - but, you do look fantasticer:)

Rachel said...

Just one hot mamma with a cute belly!