Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's been awhile...

So sorry...can't believe it's been a little while since I posted! Mabelle's new tricks include counting to 20, singing all the songs she knows (including non-nursery rhyme songs, like Johnny Cash and Ricky Skaggs), and just being so darn funny! She's also likes to tell people when we're out and about, if they say "Hi", she replies with "I'm being shy....". Does that really sound shy to you???

Here's a few pictures of little Miss...

Yup, that's 2 cupcakes!
Playing make-up...thanks Noelle!
Looking adorable in a skull bow, and her tattoo tee :)
Opening some birthday gifts from Aunt Amily & Uncle Ted..she loved it all!
Watching her new favorite movie...that she's already told me she's going to ask Santa "to bring her as gift"...."The Wizard of Poz". So the Christmas list has started...
She really loved this movie...danced everytime they sang and laughed at them falling down. Although she says "I don't like the green witch..she's silly!"


tracyvanhorne said...

oh my gosh! Counting to 20, singing Johnny Cash, eating 2 cupcakes, makeup, AND The Wizard of Oz!! Wow! What a cutie!! :)

eliseschnarr said...

i loved ricky skaggs too:) i love the pic where she is hiding behind the pillow(maybe from the silly witch:)

justheather said...

please, please, please have her call and sing me johnny cash, he is also a fav of mine... even on my voicemail, i need to hear it!!! also glad to see she's eating the cake now too, not just sprinkles:)

justheather said...

oh i forgot, i love the lipstick on her forhead, and applying it with her sweet little painted fingers:) AND i also love where she is hiding from the green witch (maybe) love them ALL!!!!!!!!!

justheather said...

finally, does she ever where pants...LOL

Sarah said...

Tracy-Matt just bought a Johnny Cash CD (and Elvis) :) Tom likes them both. Mabelle is just sooo sweet! :) I love that she loves the Wizard of Oz...