Saturday, May 24, 2008

Leaving Kearney...

So it's been awhile, but we have a ton to catch you up on...we left Kearney. Jason had a surprise going away party, and we had a few last playdates with Mabelle's BFF, Charlee. It was all sad, but we're sure that all of our friends will take advantage of free room rates at Hotel Tritten :) to come visit us!

Mabs & Charlee on Shauna's lap.
Giving each other hugs!
Getting ready to play at Ballocity.
Making their Dads have a little fun on the slides!
And then it was Shauna's turn...I had a few too, I'm the only one who has a finger to take pics with, so that's why I'm not in these ;)
Playing some of the games with Daddy...she has an arm!
Awww...their good-bye hug!
Our picnic area, while we waited days for the movers.
Cash in his excersaucer for the first time...hee hee
Trying to lick every finger at the same time...goofball!


Jenifer said...

Awww sweet pictures. Im LMAO at Cash's eyes in his excersaucer!!

justheather said...

YAY you're back!!! I've had some MAJOR withdrawls:~) cracking up at cash's face in his excersaucer! Also poor Mabs, she looks so sad in her carseat with the sickies!

tracyvanhorne said...

Awwww, such sweet pictures!! Mabs & her BFF hugging just breaks my heart! :(

cate said...

I am so happy to read all of these updates! I have been wondering how you were doing. Moving is very stressful but how exciting!! I hope you are getting settled in and I will check back for more updates!

Rachel said...

Leaving her BFF, so sad. Great pics though.

.:Heather:. said...

LMBO at Cash in the excersaucer!!!!!!!