Friday, October 3, 2008

A little dash of Dance Class...

I tried to video thru the glass at her dance,
A. you get no sound that way;
B. I didn't think of this until the 'free dance' part of the class; and
C. I didn't catch her at her finest moment ;)

She's in the black leotard, with pink little tutu...make sure to keep an eye on her.

I'll get a better video next time...complete with sound and actual ballerina moves.


Jenifer said...

LOL! I loved it! So cute! Tailia loves it too :).

eliseschnarr said...

this is too funny...i actually laughed out loud:)

justheather said...

wipe out! TOO cute, I remember those days of free dance...if only all of life were a free dance day;)

.:Heather:. said...

she even falls gracefully! :)