Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It never ends...

We woke up this morning (on Jason's first day off in a week...after working several doubles and us not seeing him at all) to Mabelle having a pinkish eye and being a little more congested than the past week. He insisted we take her to the doc...I disagreed...strongly. After a few minutes of me putting up a fight, I reluctantly called the doc and got an appointment for Mabelle this morning. After I got ready and there was not enough time for Jason to shower (muah ha ha), I told him that he and Cash were also going (I was adament that she just had a cold and was angry we were dragging her BACK to the doc). Anyhoo...get to the doc's office, and we go ahead and ask if we can get Cash looked at also (since he still had a lingering cough). Well...turns out Jason was right (which rarely happens...hahaha). Both kids tested positive for RSV and both have sinus infections!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The doc was surprised they still tested positive, but said they probably passed it back and forth (which is inevitable, since Mabelle LOVES to be in Cash's face, and Cash loves to give her sugar). They are not 'acting' sick, just have lots of snot & lingering coughs.

We are now armed with a new medicinal assault....continue the breathing treatment for one more week (been on it nonstop for 3 weeks, since coughs never stopped), antibiotics for 5 days, and 2 weeks of singulair (been 3 weeks of that so far too)/zyrtec/nasanex. I really hope this kicks those germs' butts...I'm sick of sickness and I can guarantee you the kids are sick of sickness & medicine (Mabelle HATES her nose spray....HATES.)

Here's my sick babies eating their own goldfish, out of their own bowls...Cash has super runny nose in this pic :)

"Wheeee...I'm not sick, Mama"

Him pushing her backwards, she was surprised he could do that.

Riding his firetruck...looking cute.


Goms said...

aahhh...Hope those meds really kick the germs out! How awful for the kids to be sick so long.. they are looking grt though. the butt in the face pic is hilarious!

Mabelle Grace said...

What an awful ordeal! I hope the kids feel better soon and that Jason gets a restful day or two off!!

Jenifer said...

Is Cash humping in that picture? I'm sure I can go head to head with you on humping pictures...crazy boys! LOL!!!!! I hope the kids feel better SOON! At least the kids look happy and not miserably sick :).

eliseschnarr said...

LMAO at Cash's booty in Mabelle's face..looks like he is doing the booty dance:)

Get better soon kiddos!
love, weezer and matylda
(and uncle dork:)

tracyvanhorne said...

Poor guys! I hope all the sickies vacate the premises soon!


Love Cash sticking his butt in Mabelle's face... hhhmmm, I remember my brother doing that... must be a basic torture technique.

justheather said...

POOR BABIES, and MAMA, &j, LOL! Oh I hope they get over it soon, it is not fair!! And as sick as they may be they still look adorable, and happy;)

justheather said...

Oh... as freaking funny as that booty picture is now, just imagine later! her looking all sweet and darling and him with a booty in the face! FUNNY!!

.:Heather:. said...

Okay, no more sugar for mabs & cash! I think somehow my blowing of kisses through the computer we shared germs. I woke up this morning with pink eye & my cold turned into a sinus infection. :( Such a bummer. I'm miserable so I can only imagine how they are feeling! Sorry, kiddos! Get well soon!