Saturday, March 7, 2009

Playing in the driveway.

We've been hanging in the driveway, playing more and more lately. Nice weather, and not as many germs as we find at the parks ;)

Riding her trike...she's really good at pedaling (finally...hahaha).
YAY bubbles!!

Trying to do the bubbles herself.

Dancing because of the bubbles.
Cash screaming/crying cause he was inside (he was napping).


Jenifer said...

Love all the pixs but esp the dancing bubble picture! ADORABLE!

eliseschnarr said...

good thinking on playing in the driveway...parks are scary with germs!!!

justheather said...

love all the bubble dancing;) and poor little man, he didn't look like he was napping:) LOL

tracyvanhorne said...

Eva is just starting to get the hang of pedaling too, maybe it's the trike (since we have that one too)? The one of Cash at the door just broke my heart! :(