Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Journal Entry...Roadtrip Day 1, March 20

March 20, Friday....Day 1 of the Great Tritten Roadtrip started off great! We realized that Hoover Dam is about 30mnts from our house, and will be returning there to tour the dam. It was waaaaaaaaaay cooler than I had ever thought, and way different than we'd seen in Vegas Vacation (lol). We hit Arizona and thought it was awesome to drive thru, we were wishing we had the time to stop at all the interesting places we saw like the best preserved meteorite site in the world, a dinosaur park (which I REALLY think is the dinosaur park from Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure), a petrified forest, and just some really cool scenic spots. We even hit elevation about 7800feet! Then came New Mexico...which was NOT was boring and ugly...sorry, it's the truth.

Cash was so upset about NM, that he threw up! It was after 9hrs in the car, and after we read some books...only happened once, but was so upsetting/disgusting (had to take the carseat apart at Nana's for a deep cleaning). By 11 hours into the trip, 2 hours to was 8pm west coast time, we'd been on the road since 7am, Cash was exhausted (and still smelling of goldfish/apple juice vomit) and Mabs butt hurt. She told me no less than 237 times. We FINALLY get to our hotel in Amarillo, TX (and come to find out, we missed the Cadillac Graveyard because of our late night arrival) at play, bathe and get ready for bed. We finally lay down for sleep around midnight, and Jason tells Mabelle "this is just like a sleepover", since he and she were sharing a bed, while me and Cash had our own. After that comment, it REALLY felt like a sleepover. I had the giggler (who humped everytime he chuckled), and Jason had the nonstop talker/wallerer. It was well after 1230 before any of us fell asleep

From atop the dam, they're building an awesome suspension bridge to bypass the slow but very cool winding dam roads.
Yay Leapster...occupied her for quite awhile!

Asleep with her blankie, barbie, belle and piggy...the only nap on our 13hour day one of driving.

Are we in Oregon?? Those trees and snow...nope, northern Arizona!
His FIRST juice can tell by his face how he REALLY feels about it.


Having fun, playing with her fav bracelet made by her BFF, Charlee...stretching it on her feet..

And her reaction when it broke from the stretching.

Arizona was simply beautiful!

New Mexico was NOT. This is a pic of the dirt mounds for miles and miles...looked like piles of manure everywhere.

Made Cash so sick he threw up....poor baby. Only threw up once (after 9hrs in the car), but it was awful.

Yup...documented the cleanup efforts as well.
....stay tuned for Day 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 pics and journal....


Kristy said...

So sorry to hear about Cash, but happy to hear you made it to your first destination safely! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your adventure.

tracyvanhorne said...

YAY journal entries!!! I've been waiting for pictures!! :)

Sorry Cash got so sick... poor guy! Have fun with your Mom!

So what part of NM did you go through, my parents LOVED NM... maybe that's the science geeks in all of us? I mean Roswell is there... and that big meteor crater... how can that not be cool?

Tracy said...

HAHAHA, Tracy! Roswell was no where near us :( and the meteor crater was in Arizona...and seemed totally cool!

Thx guys! We're at our 2nd stop now, gotta get some more posts up..ack!

Jenifer said...


LOL at Cash throwing up AT NM ;). I'm glad it was a one time thing. Poor little guy. Tailia's fav picture is Mabelle playing her leapster "its like mine mama!" LOL.
Can't wait to see more pictures..hurry up and post ;).

Karol said...

And I know why you took the crying because it broke had just said "if you don't quit stretching it with your feet it is going to break". Now you have the "I told you so..." picture to prove that you were right. (Hang on to that pic, you might need it when she hits teenage years and NOTHING you say makes sense. Bring that pic out and show her!! ROLF!!!)

tracyvanhorne said...

Boo for not going to Roswell! And shows what I know, right? Should have googled that meteor before I posted :) hahaha! Oh well glad you're having fun on your roadtrip!

.:Heather:. said...

Poor Cash! :(

Mabs' face is so sweet with her bracelet & then her sad face! :(

eliseschnarr said...

i like how mabelle looks more upset about her bracelet than cash does about his puke...nice

justheather said...

I know I said I wasn't going to check the blog until I didn't have you guys here anymore but I cracked:-) LOL! Poor little Cashy and his puke, yuck! And poor Mabs w/her broken bracelet, and poor mom and dad for her only taking one nap,LMAO!! Glad the trip started well!

Rachel said...

Well I agree with Cash....NM SUCKS! It makes me want to vomit too! Just imagine living there.......BLECH! ANd Mabs reaction to her broken bracelet reminded me of AMW and her broken headband. I read the journals in the wrong order so I'm posting on the first! Thanks for the journal!