Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dancing, Walking, Eating...

How thrilled does he look to be wearing a dora necklace as a princess crown...his bracelet, and then that purple choking hazard, I mean necklace, also became a crown. Isn't that nice of his big sister to make him beeeee-a-utiful!
Yummy...Mabs pickier version of Thanksgiving dinner.

Bossing Cash around, and him thinking its the funniest thing ever!

He's walking...and oh so excited about it (as are we!)!!!

Dancing down the hall...

Still dancing...


eliseschnarr said...

poor cash...i'm sure mabelle has it coming though as soon as he his bigger. and, OMG i love the last pic of is just so perfect!

Jenifer said...

That last picture is hilarious! So rough being three,lol. YAY for walking Ca$h!! Big boy! And love the necklace gear Ca$h, LOL!!!

justheather said...

He sure does make a pretty little princess;) And what a big walking boy! I can't believe it!! Also LOVE the dancing pics, especially the last one, shows all her dramatics;)

Goms said...

How cute is princess Cashy! yay for walking!!! Love the pettiskirt dancer!

Mabelle Grace said...

Wow- what a great walker! He's gotten so big so fast. LOVE Mabelle's red skirt and MU shirt!

Mabelle Grace said...

good job Cash walking ...How about that!Just like a big sister bossing him around,he'll get evevn one day. Gramema Teresa