Sunday, November 16, 2008

"MOM, Cash ate dirt!!!"

This morning, Mabelle informs me she wants to play kitchen, and I tell her to help me put her playdoh away first. So I leave her and Cash in the downstairs playroom (formerly the dining room), and go to the living room to start putting it away. As soon as I put a few tubs in the container, I hear..."MOM, Cash ate dirt!!!!". I figure it's dog hair or dirt...I round the corner and see this yellow/brown drool coming from his mouth running down his chin. I get to him and smell the 'dirt'. IT'S DOG POOP!!!!!!!! So I frantically try to dig the tiny turd out of his mouth and off his face. I get the wipes and wipe his hands and face completely down..including a swab in his mouth. Just then, Jason walks downstairs to Mabelle laughing and yelling, "DAD, Cash ate poop!" All while Cash has this HUGE smile on his face, oblivious to the fact that he just ate a turd.

The tiny turd seemed to have fallen off of his BFF's butt!! Grrrrooosssssssssss!

Sorry there are no pics of this event...I was busy cleaning turdface.

edited to clarify...the said turd was no bigger than half of my pinky nail. Tiny. But still a turd.


Jenifer said...

This is the most disgusting yet hilarious story! LOL!

eliseschnarr said...

AMAZING!!! such a boy....i bet j is loving this:)

.:Heather:. said...

Turdface?!?!?!?!? HA!!!!!

This is so gross but so BOY!

Goms said...

OMG.. ha ha ha!!!! I cant imagine how your face looked like :-)

Jenn said...

Again, laughing out loud! Turdface?! So funny, and ew, so yucky!!!

tracyvanhorne said...

eeewwwww!! glad I don't have a boy! ;)

Karol said...

okay...i've always heard that a dog's mother is ultra clean...i wonder about what comes out the other end...

Karol said...

correct that to "mouth" not 'MOTHER'. Good grief it's been a long day!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh now thats gross.