Monday, August 24, 2009

Catch up

The past week has been great, just been running around (no swimming, cause of my crazy ezcema). We also had some sweet visitors, they were so easy and just did a quick weekend Vegas trip. Just a laid back week before pre-K! AAAAACKKKK!

A few things from this week...Cash now says "noooooooooooooooooo" while pointing. And while Jason was shaving his arms one morning, Mabelle was watching him and standing on the bathtub edge next to him...rubbed his back and said in the most helpful and sweetest little voice, "don't forget your back, daddy". HAHAHAHA!

Cash enjoying his Max & Ruby stickers...he LOVES Max & Ruby.

Mabelle 'gwuing'.
Her first birthday package!! Thanks Heather, Ryan, Sage and Macy!! Not sure if you can tell...she LOVED IT!!!!!
So excited to play with everything!
Painting a rainbow...her tongue hangs out when she exerts any effort. Adorable!

Cooking for Mama :)

My little chefWrestling! Then she got bit on the forehead!! Zoom can see the red spot on her forehead. There were teeth marks...and she was laughing about it. Eeeekk!

The cute culprit...
Her fancy preschool tennis shoes she picked out...Daddy promised her new shoes. I was not a fan of these at first, because I didn't think she'd like them for the long haul. But she does! YAY!

And our guest Rueben, getting attacked by the kids and Ruby!


justheather said...

LMAO at Mabs telling J not to forget his back! Hahahaha!! Cashy looks slightly guilty in the pic after he bit:) And the shoes are adorable! Fun and funky!

tracyvanhorne said...

Those shoes are the bombdotcom! Your kids are such cuties!!

Jenifer said...

Mabes is the CUTEST chef ever!! Adorable! LMAO at her telling Daddy to shave his back! HA! Oh, I see you have a shark there too? Christian is now a biter too..grr. Love Mabes new shoes..very colorful ;). Great pixs of your cuties!