Monday, August 24, 2009

A Dual Time Out

With the kids old enough to entertain themselves, there's bound to be a time when they are both in the same time. So one night...home alone...the kids were entertaining themselves by chasing each other around the kitchen island. Screaming. Squealing. The highest pitch you've ever heard. After several "please don't scream", "please turn it down", "kids, please stop screaming"...they both ended up in time out. Together.

They both walked to the step when I told them it was time out time...smiling. So I went to get the camera to sneak a pic of them actually sharing their first time out. I knew it wouldn't last long since they were sitting within inches of each other....but then the goofball started trying to make us laugh.

Laughing and smiling at their discipline. I'm in trouble.
Standing I'd say "sit down"...he'd sit and burst into hysterical laughter.

Mabelle enjoyed his show as well...
It went on for about a minute. Then I let them out of time out, since it was working soooo well ;) But for that minute, my ears recooped and the screaming came to a stop. Mama wins that battle!


justheather said...

Too cute:) You are in trouble, and they are a duo it'll only get worse once they're teenagers! LOL

Jenifer said...

Like Batman and Robin those two....

LOL..Im a dork. I know. I feel your pain on the screaming. :)

tracyvanhorne said...

heehee Batman & Robin... heeheehee! Your kids are so stinkin cute! :)