Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Beach...the Beach...

We just spent a week at the was soo niiiiiiiiiiiiice! We had so many adventures, so instead of one HUGE post of tons of pictures, I have broken it into chapters (hahahaha). Mainly because I am a Mama who takes a TON of pictures of each little event...sorry, I'm just anal and want to document everything with great pictures! So enjoy our beach pics!

Walking out the first time.. Tired from traveling overnight to get to the beach (left Vegas on a 1am, fun), but still excited!
So sweet
Touching the water for the first time with Aunt Noelle.
Disappearing feet.

Watching the waves.
uh-oh, they're gone!!

And Cash got in on the action with Isabel.


Jenifer said...

So sweet, just too sweet...

eliseschnarr said...

loving those first moments pics

tracyvanhorne said...

ahhh how I wish our disgusting beach looked like that... what great pictures!