Sunday, August 24, 2008

Catchup...whoa its been over a week...

Ok, ok, I've been slacking. That's what happens with 2 kids, 3 dogs, and a lot of Olympics to watch...and some much needed catchup of Project Runway! Hee hee. On to the kids' catchup. After we returned from vacay, we had Mimi and Pipi (ooops, Papa) to visit. We were able to go out and eat with another couple (of course I was a worried hen the entire do people relax on date night???) was the first time in a loooong time. And this is what we came home too...2 sleeping, happy babies! Who knew that was possible without Mama around?? HAHAHA! Well, it is..and here's proof...Mimi's handy-work, a sleeping Cash.

"Cash needs a bow, Mama."
Papa and Cash
I'm not sure he can smile any bigger!
My little bird waiting for his sippy cup.
Bah-bah-bah...bah-duh-duh-duh-da-duh...well, you know the BIG chopsticks scene :) my singing voice doesn't do it justice.

Again, this time with a hat!
She is ALWAYS in his face, taking his toys, not sharing her toys, pulling/squeezing/squishing/falling/loving on him....but he LOVES her more than anything, and I'm pretty certain the feeling is absolutely mutual!
Again...this time with a zerbert on Cash's belly.
Pure cuteness.
Doing the cha-cha in her rumba shorts.
Doesn't his noggin look a little large in this ultra cute pic??!
The best pic I got of her in her swimming goggles.
Mama floats....and poses at the same time.
He's the best snuggler!


tracyvanhorne said...

What GREAT pictures Tracy! Your family is so sweet! I hope one day I get to finally meet everyone... :) Until then, keep these pictures coming!!

Jenifer said...

Awwwww love the pictures! Cash is so sweet in that last one with Jason and Mabelle in her goggles is crazy cute! Can your kids get any cuter???

eliseschnarr said...

i have been a slacker too..dont worry! lovin' all the pics! oh yeah, who is the snuggler...jason or cash?? hahaha

justheather said...

thank you, thank you, thank you! i've been going through's like we talked about the other day, you start out amazing, you're just setting yourself up:~) now you have to post like every 2 days!! LOL Okay i love them all!! the one of Mabs in the peach dress, OMG she looks like such a big girl. cash and j snuggling super cute, and what a fun visit with mimi and pipi;)

justheather said...

forgot to add, love the first pic of cash, he looks sooo pretty, really a pretty boy. also the one of mabs playing the BIG piano, love that movie and that scene:)

Goms said...

GREAT pictures! keep them coming.. we need our Cash & Mabs fix of the day. The smiling pic of Cash is there anything more sweet than the toothless smile? Mabs looks gorgeous in the peach dress. Love the pic of Cash smiling adoringly at Mabs. That totally sums up the mutual love!

.:Heather:. said...

so much fun! I love the pictures, mabs is gorgeous in that orange dress!

Rachel said...

Those are all great. NOthing else to say ;)

Kerri said...

OMG Mabs is sooo adorable in her bathing suit and with that headband! Cash is just adorable with those eyes!