Sunday, August 24, 2008


Babbling, doing the worm, eating dog food, taking a bath in the dog's the dogs foot massages, pulling Mabelle's hiar...all in a day in the life of Cash. In addition to his eating, exploring, plalying, and chewing everthing in his path...Cash is now pulling himself up! Crazy, but true...on Mabelle's chair, but it still counts. Who would've thought those cute little chunky legs would be standing already!? He is getting so big, so it ok to cry yet??


tracyvanhorne said...

Oh my goodness he is cute! Thanks for the cuteness overload this morning... I needed it! :)

Jenifer said...

HAPPY 7 MONTHS CASH!!! No more tiny baby, sniff..sniff. LOVE that picture of him standing!! He looks so proud, LOL!!

eliseschnarr said...

love picture freaking cute!

justheather said...

that face! i wanna squish it:) really can't believe he's already 7 months! holy cow where did the time go!

Goms said...

7 months! Babies do grow up so fast sniff..(yes, Tracy its OK to cry!) Can you fly him to India? want to give him a giant big hug!!

.:Heather:. said...

how my, what a big boy!!!!!!!!!!